06/2024 Single Print & Digital Issue – pv magazine Global


pv magazine Global covers the global PV industry and is published only in English.

Down to the wires

Solar is booming across Europe, but ageing grid infrastructure now creates significant pressure on project pipelines. Much of the architecture underpinning European electricity networks was designed with coal-fired power in mind – it’s no longer fit for purpose.
In the June edition of pv magazine global, we examine grid congestion across Europe and beyond. Growing curtailment, frustrating connection queues, the role of storage and the need for grid investment are all under the microscope as we take an in-depth look at one of the most pressing issues facing renewables today.



Grid investment isn’t only about supporting solar deployment, we also hear how it can have significant national security implications. pv magazine hears how the war in Ukraine has motivated Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia to accelerate plans to decouple from the Soviet-era electricity network they share with Russia.
Further east, we hear how small-scale distributed PV in China is now butting up against the same grid constraint problems that have frustrated utility-scale PV developers. We look at the current situation and the proposed solutions to support further growth of residential solar in China.

Other topics in this issue:

  • Opening doors: We take a look at how connection queues are creating opportunities for energy storage and hybrid systems in Brazil.
  • Data-driven demand: The rise of cloud computing and AI comes with a significant increase in electricity demand; what role can renewables play in powering the digital future?
  • Two-way street: How better community engagement can support grid infrastructure improvements in Greece.
  • The albedo effect: As bifacial modules proliferate, estimations of albedo are becoming more important. When it comes to costly on-site measurements, how long is long enough?
  • Testing conditions: Building PV in harsh desert environments requires a careful eye on quality. New testing laboratories are emerging to meet growing demand in the Middle East.

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