Legal Notice is a website of pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG.


pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG

pv magazine was founded by Solarpraxis AG, Karl-Heinz Remmers in 1996.

Publisher’s address

Kurfürstendamm 64
0707 Berlin
Phone: 0049 (0) 30 213 005 – 018

Registration office: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg | HRA 48544
Tax-No.: 27/170/12575
VAT identification number: DE 293 212 376

Responsible in accordance with § 55 RStV
Eckhart K. Gouras

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All content matter is copyrighted. Reprints – even extracts – require written permission.

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As content provider, pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG bears the responsibility for its “own content” made available to the user. To be distinguished from this “own content” are cross-references (“links” to content from other content providers. pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG uses these cross-references to make accessible “foreign content”, which is identified as such. “Links” are always “live” (dynamic) links. During the initial linking pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG will examine the foreign content to determine whether it may result in civil or criminal liability. However, pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG does not continuously monitor the content linked to from its own offered content for any changes that may give cause for liability in subsequent times. If pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG notices or is informed by others that one of our links points to offered content that may carry with it the risk of civil or criminal liability, pv magazine group GmbH & Co. KG shall remove the link to this content.
